Welcome reception
The 29th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Welcome reception will be held on Suday 16th October 2022 18:30-21:30 at the Palais de la Bourse, Bordeaux.
Bordeaux Palais de la Bourse, it is the guarantee of a unique and prestigious place, located in the very heart of Bordeaux, around historical buildings, which reflect the cultural heritage of the city. It was in the 17th century that we had the idea of donating for frame for the statue of a sovereign a regular place made up of elements uniforms, in order to offer a testament to the loyalty and patriotism of inhabitants. “I have never seen such a beautiful look and such a great spectacle that this port; he deserves to do something that is commendable to posterity ”. So says the royal architect, Jacques Gabriel, who falls under the spell of the city when he arrives in Bordeaux in 1729.